Lilith Frauenberatung Krems
… is a project by women for and with women and follows the principles of women-specific counseling such as equality between counselor and client, helping people to help themselves, holism, confidentiality, well-founded information and being free of charge.
… forms a counterbalance to the social discrimination against women, the disadvantages of female socialization, the multiple burdens and the many forms of violence.
… creates space for solidarity among all women, regardless of origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, professional and social background.
… supports women in expanding and developing their options for action, strengthening and promoting their self-confidence and shaping autonomous life plans.
Psychosocial counseling in all situations
Free spaces for women
Education, information and knowledge
Legal advice
Interpreting advice
Dear women!
We are there for you during our opening hours and advise you personally, by phone or online!
Appointments on 02732/85 555 or
Further information about our availability can be found under Kontakt.
In a crisis situation please dial (24 hours):
Frauenhelpline (Women’s helpline) 0800 / 222 555
Further Information can be found under Links.
Information on dealing with Corona can be found under Corona-Infos.